Learning Journal

Learning Journal


Tech stack:
  • Prisma
  • Next.js
  • TailwindCSS
  • Typescript
  • Jest
  • React
  • OpenAI
  • Supabase


After ten years of living in the U.S., I still find myself struggling with speaking in English, especially when it comes to explaining something complex. I know that the best way to improve anything is to practice. I start to write down to explain anything I learned in my own words. Recently, I also realized that my brain can only process a small chunk of information at a time.

As a result, I created this web app to help me and anyone whose brain works like mine. The main purpose of this app is not to document what you learn (well, you can do that if you want) but to help you learn by writing it down. You will recognize that when you see the live version on my website here. There are topics, concepts, and information that have been repeated multiple times in different ways and different entries.

This project is developed using React and TypeScript, and it's built on Next.js. It uses Prisma to query PostgreSQL on Supabase’s free service, Jest for testing purpose, and Tailwind CSS for styling. Designed as a learning journal, this application enables users to create and manage entries detailing their learning experiences. Each journal entry comprises a title, learning material, and personal notes. The learning material can be categorized into four types: quote, code, image, and link. The concept behind the app is to allow users to record interesting findings or new knowledge by quoting text, cropping screenshots, or copying links, and then to describe what they've learned in their own words.

Currently, the app is in the early stages of development and does not yet support multiple users. Those interested in using the application can do so by cloning the repository and running it locally, following the standard procedure for Next.js applications.